Exhibit of 1964 Cayce DYB Little League World Series Champions opens Friday

The City of Cayce’s very special exhibit, honoring the members of the 1964 Cayce Dixie Youth Little League World Series Championship team, opens at the Cayce Historical Museum beginning 3 p.m., Friday. The surviving members of the 1964 Dixie Youth World Series Champions Team will gather for a celebration of the exhibit opening at the […]


25 Lexington Two teachers awarded Strong Schools grant from Colonial Life

Twenty-five Lexington Two educators have been awarded $20,000 in grants from Colonial Life as part of its Strong Schools Grant program. Teachers applied to receive grants of up to $1,000 to purchase equipment and resources that support lessons focused on world-class knowledge and skills and life and career characteristics as outlined in the Profile of […]


History Walk at Cayce’s 12,000 Year History Park is Saturday

Be sure to mark your calendars for the History Walk in Cayce this Saturday, Aug. 17, at 10 a.m. First Fort Congaree and 18th Century Trade History Walk: A massacre, murder and a kidnapping. These great stories are part of the Fort Congaree program. Walk to the 1718 Old Fort Congaree site and learn about […]


C-WC Lions Club hosts 18 foreign students

There were 18 foreign students, 14-to-17 years old, sponsored by the Cayce West Columbia Lions Club in West Columbia last week. The students came from from Brazil, Germany, Belgium, Poland, England, Italy, Denmark, Mongolia,Tunisia, Israel, Canada, Norway, and Finland. The group tours South Carolina for two weeks and they stay with Lions Club host families. […]


City of West Columbia collecting plastic water bottles for “cool project”

The City of West Columbia is collecting plastic bottles to be used in a cool new project. The bottles being collected are 16 ounce and 20 ounce, with lids, labels removed, clean and clear or green. No square bottles, and no one or two-liter bottles. Bring the bottles, by Sept. 13, to West Columbia City […]


Exhibit of 1964 Cayce DYB Little League World Series Champions opens Friday

The City of Cayce’s very special exhibit, honoring the members of the 1964 Cayce Dixie Youth Little League World Series Championship team, opens at the Cayce Historical Museum beginning 3 p.m., Friday. The surviving members of the 1964 Dixie Youth World Series Champions Team will gather for a celebration of the exhibit opening at the […]


25 Lexington Two teachers awarded Strong Schools grant from Colonial Life

Twenty-five Lexington Two educators have been awarded $20,000 in grants from Colonial Life as part of its Strong Schools Grant program. Teachers applied to receive grants of up to $1,000 to purchase equipment and resources that support lessons focused on world-class knowledge and skills and life and career characteristics as outlined in the Profile of […]


West Columbia Beautification Foundation’s Tribute for Trees is Sept. 10

The West Columbia Beautification Foundation will hold its 5th Annual Tribute for Trees Fundraiser, on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at West Columbia City Hall, 200 N. 12th Street, West Columbia, from 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM. Funds raised at the event will be used to plant trees around the City of West Columbia, beautifying the roadways […]