Flag over Lexington 9-11 Memorial retired, Wednesday

In remembrance of the destruction of New York City’s World Trade Towers on Sept. 11, 2001, members of Lexington County Sheriff’s Department and the Lexington County Fire Service retired the American flag that flew over the 9/11 Memorial in Lexington, on Wednesday (9-11.) It was a project of Leadership Lexington County


Nominations being accepted for Brookland-Cayce Athletic Hall of Fame until Sept. 30

Nominations are being accepted through Monday, Sept. 30, for the Brookland-Cayce High School Athletic Hall of Fame.   The Athletic Hall of Fame recognizes the accomplishments of former athletes and coaches who excelled in any organized, competitive events on boys’ or girls’ school teams.  To be eligible for the Athletic Hall of Fame, nominees must have […]


Longs Pond Road exits on I-20 to close for parts of Thursday, Friday and Saturday

The SCDOT will close the I-20 Longs Pond Road exits beginning Thursday for ramp paving. Interstate-20, Exit 51 Westbound will close Thursday (Sept. 12) from 11:30 pm until 4 am Friday (Sept. 13 .) Motorists wishing to use the westbound on-ramp should proceed along the detour route of Two Notch Road to Industrial Drive to […]


If you see fire and emergency vehicles on Platt Springs Rd. – It’s only a drill

The Columbia Metropolitan Airport is conducting a full-scale emergency exercise today (Thursday) from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. AirSafe 2019 will be held on the airport property adjacent to Platt Springs Road. Be aware that AirSafe 2019 is a practice drill. It should not alarm those who see it. There is expected to be fire, […]


Flag over Lexington 9-11 Memorial retired, Wednesday

In remembrance of the destruction of New York City’s World Trade Towers on Sept. 11, 2001, members of Lexington County Sheriff’s Department and the Lexington County Fire Service retired the American flag that flew over the 9/11 Memorial in Lexington, on Wednesday (9-11.) It was a project of Leadership Lexington County


Nominations being accepted for Brookland-Cayce Athletic Hall of Fame until Sept. 30

Nominations are being accepted through Monday, Sept. 30, for the Brookland-Cayce High School Athletic Hall of Fame.   The Athletic Hall of Fame recognizes the accomplishments of former athletes and coaches who excelled in any organized, competitive events on boys’ or girls’ school teams.  To be eligible for the Athletic Hall of Fame, nominees must have […]


Tribute for Trees raises $50,000 for West Columbia Beautification Foundation – Photos of event

SCROLL DOWN TO SEE ALL PHOTOS The Fifth Annual Tribute for Trees Gala drew its largest crowd ever to the Brookland Room of the West Columbia City Hall Tuesday evening. Keep The Midlands Beautiful Executive Director Jacqueline Buck, who is retiring, was honored for her contributions to the West Columbia Beautification Foundation and the WCBF […]


Lexington House Rep. Chris Wooten hospitalized after snake bite

Lexington House Rep. Chris Wooten was bitten by a snake. “I stepped on a copperhead,” Wooten said as he walked across his yard with flip-flops on- taking a pet outside, around 8 p.m. Sunday. Wooten in a Facebook post said: “Shoot yourself with a .22 rifle in the big toe if you want to know […]