Tokyo Joe performs Tom Petty Tribute live at SC State Fair Friday at 7 p.m.

Tokyo Joe performs their Tom Petty Tribute live at the South Carolina State Fair. The show also features members of popular local band The Root Doctors. This is a free show with admission to the fair. The show begins at 7 p.m. Friday (Oct. 11) at the SC State Fair music stage. Tokyo Joe is […]


Cayce-West Columbia Lions perform eye exams for Saluda River students

The Cayce-West Columbia Lions Club performed eye screenings and hearing tests for hurdreds of students at Saluda River Academy for the Arts last week. The Lions make their way through Lexington Two Schools perfoming the tests. In all the Lions will screen 4,000 students through out the year, said Bill Mooneyhan of the Lions Club. […]


Truck takes out utility pole in Lexington

The intersection of East Butler Street at Creps Street in Lexington was closed Wednesday due to a collision involving a semi truck and trailer striking an electrical pole.


Lexington DUI crash results in injuries

The Lexington Police Department reported a collision late Tuesday night. It was in the 5300 block of Augusta Road (US-1) The crash resulted in injuries and caused multiple lanes to be closed. The cause of the collision was an intoxicated driver crossing the median and striking a vehicle head on, according to the LPD. The […]


Drawings published of West Columbia’s new Savage Craft Ale Works

Studio 2LR | Architecture + Interiors has released some drawings of the proposed Savage Craft Ale Works, that is planned for Center Street in West Columbia. The drawings are on the City of West Columbia’s Facebook page. According to the Facebook post: “This project involves the renovation of several historic structures including the former West […]


Cayce Fall Plant Exchange is Saturday at 10 a.m.

The Cayce Fall Plant Exchange is this Saturday at 10 a.m. at Cayce City Hall! Refreshments will be served and a Master Gardner will be available to answer all of your fall planting questions! **While you do not have to bring a plant to the exchange to participate, if you are bringing plants please drop […]


Husband of woman killed in deer-motorcycle crash dies

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the second individual killed as the result of a motorcycle versus deer accident that occurred Saturday. The accident happened at approximately 11:35 a.m. on U.S. 378 in Lexington. According to Fisher, Mr. James Derek Payne, 54, of Lexington was pronounced dead, Wednesday morning, at an area hospital due […]


House of Raeford’s FLOCK gives teachers $350 Amazon gift cards as a reward for their dedication

House of Raeford’s FLOCK philanthropic organization presented three Lexington School District Two teachers with Amazon gifts cards valued at $350, Monday. The teachers receiving the gifts were: Stephanie Burgess, fourth-grade teacher at Saluda River Academy For The Arts, Kaylee Madge, third- grade teacher at Riverbank Elementary, and Jessica Zearfoss, ELA and math teacher at R.H. […]