Providence Presbyterian Trunk Or Treat is Friday

Providence Presbyterian Church’s Trunk Or Treat is Friday from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Providence Presbyterian Church. 1112 Hummingbird Drive, West Columbia. Kids wear your costumes for this candy-oriented event.


NYC Bagel and Sandwich Shop, Select Physical Therapy coming to Brookland

Two tenants have signed leases to move into Building Three of the Brookland development at the corner of State and Meeting streets in West Columbia. The new additions to the multi-million-dollar complex were announced on the Wilson-Kibler Twitter page. NYC Bagel and Sandwich Shop is coming to Brookland and Select Physical Therapy is also going […]


Brookland-Cayce’s Ryan Van Omen is Teacher-of-the-Month

Brookland-Cayce High School teacher Ryan Van Omen was recognized as the Lexington Two School District’s Teacher of the Month at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast Tuesday. It was held at Cayce United Methodist Church. Van Omen is pictured with BCHS Principal Gregg Morton, right, and Chamber Executive Director Richard Skipper.


Brookland-Cayce’s Joseph Buchmaier is Chamber’s Student-of-the-Month

Brookland-Cayce High School student Joseph Buchmaier was recognized as the Lexington Two School District’s Student of the Month at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast Tuesday. It was held at Cayce United Methodist Church. Buchmaier is pictured with BCHS Principal Gregg Morton, right, and Chamber Executive Director Richard Skipper.


The Dickey Law Group cuts the ribbon on new West Columbia office

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held Tuesday for the Dickey Law Group. The relocated law office is at 440 Center Street in West Columbia. Pictured are: Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Richard Skipper; Paralegal Brigette McGowens; Attorney Joseph Dickey; and his wife Kiosha Dickey, with daughter Alexis; and West Columbia Mayor Pro-Tem, Tem […]


REMINDER – West Columbia Citywide Clean-up Day, Garden Planting is Saturday

CITYWIDE CLEAN-UP DAY and COMMUNITY GARDEN FALL PLANTING Help Beautify West Columbia by Taking Pride in Our Homes and Neighborhoods. The following will be collected at the City Hall parking lot:• Tires (limited to 4 per household)• Batteries• Electronics: Computers, Monitors, Printers , Laptops, Microwaves, Radios, Phones, Gaming Systems,DVD Players, and TVs• Paint cans (limited […]


Cayce City Manager Tracy Hegler is guest speaker at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast

Cayce City Manager Tracy Hegler was the guest speaker at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast Tuesday. It was held at Cayce United Methodist Church. Hegler said the City of Cayce has implemented a plan of strategic and wise growth. The she talked about the new residential units being built on the grounds at the historic […]


Absentee voting for West Columbia, Springdale elections is now open

Absentee Voting in Lexington County is now open. Election day is Nov. 5, for several municipalities, including West Columbia and Springdale. It’s less than two weeks out. If you are not going to be able to vote on November 5, contact the Lexington County Election Commission to obtain your absentee ballot TODAY! There are 3 […]