Woman who died in Monday motorcycle crash identified

Richland County Coroner Gary Watts has released the name of the individual who died following a motorcycle crash at approximately 1:15 p.m. on Monday.  The incident location was Clemson Road at Salisbury Lane, Columbia. Emina H. Yates, 39, of Algrave Drive, Columbia was the driver of a motorcycle that collided with a vehicle. She was […]


Woman found dead in hotel, Columbia Police ask for clues

Columbia Police Department officers are investigating a murder that occurred at a local motel in North Columbia Tuesday afternoon. Initially, officers responded to the InTown Suites located at 1633 Broad River Road shortly before 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, for a reported suspicious death. Motel employees found a deceased female inside a room and called 9-1-1. After […]


One dies in motorcycle crash in Richland County

A motorcycle crash on Clemson Road in Richland County has left one person dead. The incident occurred around 1:26 p.m. Monday, according to Cpl. Sonny Collins of the South Carolina Highway Patrol. He said a 2017 Kawasaki motorcycle was traveling west on Clemson Road when a 2008 Toyota traveling east was making a left-hand turn […]


Obituary published for Faye Swetlik – Public memorial service is 7 p.m. Friday

Funeral arrangements were announced Monday for 6-year-old Faye Swetlik. She was found dead Thursday after going missing on Monday (Feb. 10.) Caughman-Harman Funeral Home (Click link) published an obituary for little Faye. Also, a memorial service at 7 p.m. Friday for Faye will be held at Trinity Baptist Church in Cayce. There has been an […]


8 deaths in 4 days emotionally draining for Lexington County coroner

From Thursday to Sunday was a deadly four days in Lexington County. In that time period, the office of Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher reported eight deaths of not natural causes. That number includes the death of Faye Marie Swetlik, age 6. Besides the tragic saga of Faye Swetlik, there were six road-related fatalities in […]


Coty Taylor, who killed little Faye, committed suicide

Faye Swetlik died of asphyxiation said Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher at a press conference Tuesday afternoon. Coty Scott Taylor,30, killed her. His DNA was on her body. Faye is the six-year-old who went missing from her Churchill Heights home in Cayce on the afternoon of Monday, Feb. 10. Cayce Department of Public Safety Director […]


“The unimaginable happened here,” said Cayce Mayor Elise Partin

“The unimaginable happened here, said Cayce Mayor Elise Partin at a candlelight vigil for 6-year-old Faye Swetlik, who was killed last week after being abducted. “A child went missing and won’t be coming home.” A crowd gathered under a gray and rainy sky for the vigil that was held late Tuesday afternoon at Cayce City […]


Faye Swetlik autopsy complete, results to be released Tuesday

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has confirmed that the autopsy of Faye Marie Swetlik was completed Saturday. The preliminary results of that autopsy are not being released at this time out of respect for Faye’s family. They need privacy and time to process the information. The findings regarding Faye’s autopsy will be released at a […]