Photo shows arrest after dangerous police chase

There was a heavy law enforcement pressence on Sunset Boulevard, near I-20, in Lexington Monday afternoon. A photo issued by the Lexington Police Department shows an arrest. The scene developed after a traffic stop in Lexington resulted in a chase by law enforcement personnel. Parts of Sunset and Northside boulevards were partially closed after a […]


Lexington 2 teachers report to school for the 2020-21 School Year

Cars fill the parking lots. It’s the first day of school year 2020-21. Lexington School District Two teachers reported to class Monday. Students don’t start classes until Sept. 8, and have the option of attending class in-person two days of the week, this year, because of the coronavirus crisis. Or students can stay home for virtual […]


Gervais Street Bridge Dinner postponed until March 2021

The Gervais Street Bridge Dinner has been postponed until March 2021. It was scheduled for Oct. 18, but because of concerns related to the coronavirus, the date has been moved. With the change, there will be two Bridge Dinners scheduled for 2021. The one in March and another on the traditional date in October.In June […]


Ann Bailey-Robinson sworn in as Cayce’s newest city council member

The City of Cayce has announced the swearing in of Ann Bailey-Robinson, Cayce’s newly elected member of Cayce City Council. She was sworn in on Wednesday, Aug. 19. Councilwoman Bailey-Robinson has served in the healthcare industry for more than 25 years and now is a small business owner, managing a mobile ice cream and dessert […]


Hundreds receive school supplies from West Columbia churches

Brookland United Methodist Church in West Columbia teamed up with 12 Springs Community Church for a Back-to-school bookbag giveaway. There was also a school supply giveaway at Turner Memorial AME Church. Both were on Saturday. (Photos courtesy of Turner Memorial AME Church, Brookland United Methodist Church.) Hundreds of cars lined up for the drive-thru giveaway. […]


J & H Movers returns lost teen’s wallet, with money

By Terry Ward – A large yellow truck drove up to my house on Cardinal Drive, West Columbia, Saturday afternoon. A very nice gentleman, with his wife, said he found a wallet, and it had our address on the ID. The wallet he found belonged to my son, 19. The man said there was money […]


Woman missing from West Columbia found safe

The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department Was working to make sure 22-year-old Emiliana Eargle is safe. She was found safe, Friday afternoon.


West Columbia Partners with 2 Churches for Back-2-School Supply Distributions

The City of West Columbia Police and Fire Departments are participating in two Back-2-School Drives, Saturday (Aug. 22.) Brookland United Methodist Church, 541 Meeting Street, West Columbia, is hosting a Back-2-School Giveaway on Saturday, from 2 PM until 6 PM. A Back-To-School Supply Giveaway is being held, from 11 AM – 1 PM, at Turner […]