West Columbia employees get service pins

The City of West Columbia presented service pins to its employees, at its council meeting Tuesday night. Councilman Dale Harley presented the pins. Photo by Anna Huffman (City of West Columbia Public Information Officer) Getting pins were: Danny Roberts 30 years Scott Morrison 20 years Mark Wharton 15 years Nathaniael Simmons 10 years Stuart Jones […]


West Columbia Police Chief Dennis Tyndall gets contract extension

West Columbia Police Chief Dennis Tyndall has received a three-year contract extension. West Columbia City Council renewed Tyndall’s at its Tuesday night meeting. The vote to renew the contract was 6-2, with Council Members Casey Hallman and Jimmy Brooks voting against the new contract. Councilman Boyd Jones is at a National League of Cities convention, and was not […]


No path forward for Dr. Ben Carson after Super Tuesday

Official Statement by Dr. Ben Carson I have decided not to attend the Fox News GOP Presidential Debate tomorrow night in Detroit.  Even though I will not be in my hometown of Detroit on Thursday, I remain deeply committed to my home nation, America.  I do not see a political path forward in light of […]


Brookland-Cayce DECA shows well at State Conference

BCHS DECA CHAPTER HAS GREAT SHOWING AT STATE CONFERENCE   The Brookland-Cayce High School DECA chapter had a great showing at the DECA State Career Development Conference in Charleston, Feb. 26-28. Marysusan Williamson, the Brookland-Cayce DECA advisor,  said she is “very proud of every student and their hard work.” Nino Chambers placed first with his […]


Brookland-Cayce students participate in USC Honor Choir

B-C STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN USC HONOR CHOIR   Brookland-Cayce Choir students participated in the annual University of South Carolina High School Honor Choir.  The event was held Saturday, Feb. 27 at the School of Music. The B-C students joined over 200 high school chorus students from North and South Carolina for an entire day of […]


BCHS Thespain Society participates in Spartanburg festival

BCHS International Thespian Society Participates in Spartanburg Festival   On Friday, February 19 the International Thespian Society of Brookland-Cayce High School, which consists of 21 students who also make up the Honors Theatre 3 and 4 class, attended the South Carolina Thespian / Palmetto Dramatic Association Festival in Spartanburg. This event was held at Dorman […]


Cayce to hold ceremony for new fire truck, March 16

The City of Cayce will hold a “Wet-Down” to introduce its new fire truck. The Wet-Down is 3 p.m. March 16, at the Cayce Public Safety Department on 12th Street, near the city’s Municipal Complex.


Cayce Public Safety Chief Charles McNair announces retirement

LONGTIME CAYCE CHIEF ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT Chief Charles McNair of the Department of Public Safety in the City of Cayce is retiring after more than 42 years of public service. McNair, a lifelong Cayce resident, started his career with the Cayce Fire Department in 1974. He then served as a member of the Highway Patrol for […]