Pine Ridge’s Frankie Neeley is Law Enforcement Officer of the Month

Pine Ridge Police Officer Frankie Neeley was named Law Enforcement Officer of the Month,  Tuesday morning  at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia  Chamber Breakfast. Pictured are: Pine Ridge Mayor Davis Busbee, Neeley, Pine Ridge Police Chief Billy Parker, and Chamber Board President Vaughan Dozier, of First Community Bank, sponsor of the Law Enforcement Officer of the […]


16% rate hike suggested for West Columbia water/sewer customers

The City of West Columbia was charged close to $9 million for upgrades to Columbia’s sewer treatment plant. To help pay for that expenditure, a study by American Engineering Consultants (AEC) in Cayce found that a 16 percent across-the-board increase in water and sewer fees is needed. Currently West Columbia has the lowest water/sewer fees […]


West Columbia Riverwalk repair to end in 2017

The October flood of 2015 will cost the City of West Columbia at least $1.39 million. And Riverwalk will not be fully repaired until 2017. The flood waters ripped the pedestrian walkway under the Gervais Street Bridge in two and damaged the trellis at the Bridgepoint Condominiums, on Riverwalk. Mark Waller, the city’s director of […]


West Columbia Special Council Meeting, Monday at 6 p.m.

Revised Agenda Special Council Meeting March 21, 2016 at 6:00 PM 200 N. 12th Street West Columbia, SC 29169 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM 3. INVOCATION 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS BY THE MAYOR 6. PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS 6.1. Discussion of West Columbia Recycling Program and Grant Opportunity 6.2. Update on West Columbia Riverwalk Repairs 6.3. Presentation Regarding […]


Cayce-West Columbia Chamber’s Thaw-Out is March 29

Does your business “thaw out” in the Spring? Have you had a cold start to 2016? This is your event! Come set up an information table and get a jump start for the Spring season. The Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber will hold its “THAWING OUT” Business Expo, from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m., Tuesday, March […]


Several candidates file to run in Lexington County

The filing period to run for office in South Carolina opened on Wednesday (March 16.) At the end of the week (by Friday, March 18)  several candidates had filed to run in Lexington County. The filing period ends on March 30. The South Carolina Primary is June 14. The general election is Nov. 8. All […]


2 charged with arson, burglary of Pelion church

Two Lexington men are facing multiple charges in connection with a break-in last month at Florence Baptist Church in Pelion. According to arrest warrants, Timothy Justin Russell, 25, and Austin Scott Miller, 21, have both been charged with arson, burglary and malicious injury to property. “These two men broke a window to get inside the […]


One fatality in Springdale house fire

As Saturday morning house fire, resulted in a fatality. At approximately 7:30 a.m., Saturday, units from the Lexington County Fire Service responded to a reported residential structure fire located in the 900 block of Jupiter Street, off Platt Springs Road, in the town of Springdale. Upon arrival, fire and smoke could be seen coming through […]