Congaree, Springdale Elementary, and 10-pt grade scale, Lexington 2 topics

Notes from the Thursday (May 19) Lexington 2 Schools Board Meeting The Lexington 2 budget for 2016-17 will be about $76 million, and include no request for a tax increase. In accordance with state protocol, Lexington 2 will go to a 10-point grading system for the 2016-17 School Year. It is is currently on a […]


Lexington fatal crash victim identified by coroner

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who was fatally injured in the three-vehicle accident. It happened at approximately 7:30 a.m. on Friday, May 20, 2016, on Barr Road near Wildlife Road in Lexington. The man killed was identified as Clyde Richard Poole, 63, of Lexington. Poole was pronounced dead at the scene from […]


Byron Snellgrove is the new Cayce Police Chief

The City of Cayce has announced that Byron Snellgrove is the new Cayce Police Chief. Snellgrove will be taking the place of Charles McNair who retired after 16 years of service in Lexington County. Prior to accepting the role as Chief,Byron served as Public Safety Lieutenant, Patrol Operations and Training Division Commander for the Cayce Department of […]


I-26 at Mile Marker 112, Westbound, is blocked due to crash

South Carolina Department of Public Safety Advisory: Lexington 5/20/16: I-26 @ Mile Marker 112 Westbound is blocked due to a crash. Use caution and expect delays.


Cayce-WestColumbia Chamber members tour Babcock

The Babcock Center mission is to empower people with lifelong disabilities to enjoy life by promoting abilities and respecting choice. Members of the Greater Cayce-WestColumbia Chamber of Commerce took a tour of Babcock’s West Columbia facility, Wednesday. It was a Chamber “Lunch and Learn” event. About 25 Chamber members found out that workers, being trained […]


Springdale Baptist Church holding Block Party

There will be a Block Party from 6 p.m.-until-8 p.m. on the Grounds of Springdale Baptist Church, Saturday (May 21.) 357 Wattling Rd. There will be food, a Bouncy House, an air slide, a dunking booth, games. Everything is free. Channel 146 will provide music.


Cayce City Council wrestles with budget choices

Revenue for the City of Cayce’s $11.9 million general fund 2016-17 budget is more than $197,000 short. At a special meeting Wednesday, city council members struggled to find answers, and a way to fund the shortfall. A $3 increase in sanitation fees would close the gap. The monthly sanitation fee would go from $10.50 to […]


C-WC Lions fund West Columbia Beautification Foundation project

A West Columbia Beautification Foundation project funded by the the Cayce-West Columbia Lions Club has been marked. Landscaping work near the House of Raeford parking lot on Sunset Boulevard was completed thanks to the Lions donation to the West Columbia Beautification Foundation. A sign has been placed on the site.