
C-WC Chamber names Lexington 2 Student, Teacher of the Month

Kelsie Lewis, a student at Busbee Creative Arts Academy (BCAA) was named Lexington School District 2 Student of the Month,Tuesday.

Kelsie Lewis, left, Auketa Govan and Dixon Brooks, right.

Auketa Govan of BCAA was named Teacher of the Month. The award was presented at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce Breakfast. The Chamber sponsors the award. Dr. Dixon Brooks, Busbee principal, left, is pictured with Kelsie and Ms Govan. Kelsie is a Honor Roll and Duke TIP student who participates on the dance team, and she is a cheerleader.  Ms Govan is a counselor. She is effective by relating the struggles she endured as a child to help her students. The Chamber Breakfast was held at The Hall at Senate’s End.

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