Buy your commemorative bricks at West Columbia’s Enabling Park

It is time to get your brick.
The West Columbia Beautification Foundation is selling a limited number of commemorative bricks to be placed in the West Columbia All-Inclusive, or Enabling, Park.
Bricks will be engraved with your custom message and mini-bricks with the same message make a great gift. To order your engraved brick go to:
The Enabling Park is being built to make sure everyone of every ability, has great place to come and play together.
“There is nothing else like this park,” said Melissa Sprouse-Browne. “It’s one of a kind. The park also shows the commitment of the citizens of West Columbia to provide an accessible place for all. Sprouse-Browne is the chairwoman of the West Columbia Beautification Foundation.
Sprouse-Browne also said buying a brick, that will be placed in the park, is a chance to honor a family member or a loved one.
“It’s a permanent memorial,” she said. “It’s also a great way for a business to show its support of the park.
Sprouse-Browne said 100 or so of the bricks were sold close to the groundbreaking date of the Enabling Park. That was in late October. Some of the bricks were sold at Kinetic Derby Day in late April. But there is a lot of opportunity left for buyers to get their bricks.

“Right now is a good time to buy,” said Sprouse-Browne. “This opportunity will not be around forever and the price is very reasonable for a permanent memorial.”
She said the funds will be used by the West Columbia Beautification Foundation to add plants and trees in order to beautify the US 1 Corridor in West Columbia.
Sprouse-Browne said the plan is to sell 1,500 bricks. The cost is $100. The bricks will be placed in the park is at 212 Hudson Street, West Columbia. It is adjacent to the West Columbia Riverwalk. The much-anticipated park is expected to draw visitors from all over.
West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton has purchased three bricks already in honor of various family members, including his late wife Kay, who passed away in August.

“The park is something Kay was very supportive of. And this is a great way to honor her name,” said Horton. He said he plans to buy more bricks in the future because it is such a good idea.
West Columbia City Councilman and Mayor Pro-Tem, Tem Miles has three daughters, one with special needs. He is looking forward to the park’s opening for his daughter Emma, who has special needs, and for the opportunity for his other two daughters, Cate and Charlotte, to be able to go to the park, and play with their sister.
“I have two daughters who are not in a wheelchairs” said Miles. “Now parents will not have to choose. Their children can play with their peers. Playing together is how children form bonds.”
Miles has purchased a brick in the park.
“The people of West Columbia have come together to build a park to expand the accessibility for everyone,” said Miles. “The engraved bricks are a nice way to show added support.”
Miles also said the park demonstrates the City of West Columbia’s effort to make it accessible for all families and children.
So don’t put it off. Buy your brick now.