Building update on 2 Sunset Boulevard projects

The location of a Dunkin’ Donuts was announced in January, to be built at 2865 Sunset Blvd., West Columbia. It’s across from Lexington Medical Center.
The other two spaces had “Retail Anchor” and “Retail” on them. PennTex Ventures Development was the company in charge of filling the space.
The sign on the property (see photo) in January indicated three new businesses, including a Dunkin’ Donuts.
The site is in front of the new Marriott International TownPlace Suites that is being built between Bojangles and Freddy’s Burgers. Ground was broken for the hotel in January. Construction on the TownPlace Suites is progressing (see the photos.) The sign on the site indicates it will be open in the fall. Solara Hospitality is building the 111-room hotel.
Dunkin’ site Sign in January TownPlace Suites sign