Brookland-Cayce staff member takes student to the ground and is charged with assault
CAYCE, SC – At approximately 11:30 AM on Wednesday, an officer with the Cayce Police Department was notified of an altercation that had taken place between two students at Brookland Cayce High School. One of the students involved in the altercation reported that he was taken to the ground by a school administrator. The student indicated that the administrator pushed him several times as well.
The incident with the administrator took place after the parties were separated from the original altercation and the situation had deescalated.
The Cayce School Resource Officer (SRO) and the Cayce Police Department collected evidence and statements from witnesses who had knowledge of the incident. That investigation resulted in warrants being issued for Leon Brunson for Assault 3rd and Unlawful Conduct Towards A Child. The student was injured, as a result of the assault.
Cayce Police Investigators have also determined that video exits of Brunson assaulting another student two years ago; which mirrors the video evidence recovered in the incident on Wednesday.
Brunson has been provided the opportunity to turn himself in to the Cayce Police Department.