Brookland-Cayce needs volunteers for playoff football game
The Brookland-Cayce High School football team will be going for win number 13 at 7:30 p.m., Friday.
It is the third home playoff game this post-season, and uncharted territory.
If the Bearcats defeat Dillon, BC is the Lower State Champion. But success has caused a bit of a dilemma.
“We need volunteers to work the concession stands for the game Friday,” said Bob Boyd.
Boyd is soliciting volunteers because the Bearcats have never played three home playoff games. The team has never needed the number of volunteers it needs this year to work the concession stands at BC’s football stadium.
If you can volunteer to help at the game contact: Ms. Quinette Jones Athletic Secretary at BCHS at 803-739-4111 or email her at: [email protected]
Or call Bob Boyd at: 803-600-4357.
You need to get in touch with Jones or Boyd beforehand to secure a pass as a volunteer.