Brookland-Cayce JROTC, Rep. Joe Wilson in Columbia Veterans Day Parade

The Brookland-Cayce High School JROTC marched in the 41st Annual City of Columbia’s Veteran’s Day parade. Also in the parade was U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson, who represents Lexington County in the US House.
There were veterans from World War II, Vietnam, Korea, Iran and many others on hand.
Some in wheelchairs, others hobbled to a spot on the curb to see the procession. The veterans embraced each other, waved, saluted and smiled.
They exhibited pride for their service to their country. Many accepted thanks from the large crowd of spectators that lined both sides of Sumter Street. It was a beautiful day for a parade.
Columbia’s parade, known as one of the Southeast’s largest Veterans Day parades, started at 11 a.m. from the intersection of Sumter and Laurel streets and traveled southbound on Sumter Street ending at Pendleton Street.