Brookland Cayce H.S. Band Invited To Perform at Bowl Game
Brookland-Cayce High School Marching Band
Invited to Perform at the TaxSlayer Bowl
WorldStrides Heritage Performance has invited the marching band from Brookland-Cayce High School to perform at the TaxSlayer Bowl. They will join marching bands from across the country in the halftime show finale of this major college bowl game. An invitation to perform at the TaxSlayer Bowl is an honor reserved only for the most talented student performers from across the nation.
Under the direction of Aaron Acord, the Brookland-Cayce High School marching band will travel to Jacksonville, Florida where they will rehearse with the mass band and learn from nationally acclaimed adjudicators. In their free time, they will take in the sights of Jacksonville.
Aaron Acord has been teaching for three years and will be personally leading the Brookland-Cayce High School group of 65 students to Jacksonville. This will be the first time Acord has traveled with WorldStrides.
To learn how you can help Brookland-Cayce High School’s fundraising efforts, contact Aaron Acord at [email protected].