Botanical Parkway beavers, gone without a trace

After the flood of last October ripped a hole in Botanical Parkway, the local beavers saw their chance.
As county officials waded through the arduous process of obtaining permits, conducting surveys and finding funding, to fix the million-dollar gash in the West Columbia road to Riverbanks Zoo, the vibrating teeth of the Botanical Beaver Crew cranked into action. Pulling sticks into place, with assorted debris, even a plastic soda bottle, and what looks to be a tin can- the furry rodents built a dam on the stream known as Double Branch.
It will be October before the road is repaired, but by the spring the beavers had completed their project. Links: Beaver construction project complete and Beavers undertake dam project on Botanical Parkway

Then, as the hot, sticky days of July gripped the brook – crews (of humans) moved in- and the beavers moved out. No longer could the deep splash of a beaver taking cover be heard by the approaching pedestrian.
Not sure what happened to the beavers as progress on the road-rebuild ensued. Were the furry, teeth-rich varmints relocated? Or did they just get disgusted after their handiwork was dug out so callously, by heavy machinery – and left of their own accord? A few attempts were made to ask the S.C. Department of Natural Resources of the fate of the Botanical Beavers. But those inquiries were unanswered. So we’re left to just guess of what became of the beavers.