Bobby Horton formally announces a run for West Columbia mayor

Bobby Horton formally announced his intention to run for mayor of the City of West Columbia, Tuesday.
In making his announcement, Horton stressed cooperation.
“You’ve got to get together and work together in unity to accomplish anything,” Horton told a crowd of supporters in a second-story conference room in the Novinger’s Quarter building on Meeting Street.
He said he wanted to restore unity in city government.
Horton cited his previous tenure of seven-and-a-half years as West Columbia mayor. His last term ended in 2011.
“We were able to accomplish a lot of things on city council. We turned some things around. We had it going in the right direction.”
He said a sense of unity and good will is good for the business community and the city’s residents.
Businesswoman Cathy Novinger, and husband Bob Novinger, hosted the announcement party and fundraiser.
Novinger prompted Horton about his effort in 1988, with other West Columbia City Council members, to get a West Columbia water plant built on Lake Murray. Horton said he was voted off of council because of his effort to get the plant built, but it was “the right thing to do.”
Horton said the water plant is a big revenue-generator for the city now.
“That’s how you keep the tax millage low,” Horton said.
“You’ve got to plan for the future. If you don’t do it, you’ll be blamed for it.”
Horton also told his supporters it’s important to get people out to vote on election day.
He noted that there are about 8,600 registered voters in West Columbia. In 2011, when Horton was defeated by current West Columbia Mayor Joe Owens, less-than 1,500 voted.
Horton said he’ll be out knocking on doors, putting up signs and sweating for the next three months.
The mayoral election is Nov. 3.