Big Parade Day, with local business shuttle, and Finale “Holiday Parade of Lights” is Dec. 10
The Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber’s Parade Day with the Finale “Holiday Parade of Lights” is Dec. 10. It’s not just a parade, but a whole day of Christmas-related events, sponsored by Dominion Energy

The hop-on, hop off United Community Bank Parade Day Business Shuttle from 10 am to 4 pm – visiting over 35 local businesses, restaurants in shops, all offering fun, family friendly activities and holiday specials.
The main stop on the route is at the Peter Boulware Toyota of Columbia– North Pole located at the Chamber Office. Open 12 to 4 pm: Live music, visits from Santa, a Kid’s corner with canvas painting, a “mining” station with the Cayce quarry, face painting and more. We will have over 20 businesses set up with shopping and activities, including a holiday bouquet flower bar.
Parade Day concludes with our finale – the “Holiday Parade of Lights” at 5:30 pm.
Special thanks to City of West Columbia, SC, City of Cayce as well as our sponsors Dominion Energy, Peter Boulware Toyota, United Community Bank, Founders Federal Credit Union, State Farm and Lexington Medical Center.
For Map and more details visit: https://www.cwcchamber.com/holidayparadeoflights/