Beautification and Improvements to Meeting Street, US-1 Corridor include on-street parking, turn lanes, medians, pedestrian crosswalks, walking-bike lane, and mast-arm traffic signals
The City of West Columbia is excited to announce plans for a major transformation along Meeting Street and the US-1 Corridor. This project aims to support the area’s already established entertainment, retail, and restaurant hub by not only making it visually appealing but creating easier access to shopping, dining, entertainment, and industry. The project will take place within the existing South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) right of way and is being funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and SCDOT.

After working with project engineers and SCDOT on the Meeting Street portion of the project, the City’s Assistant Administrator of Development Tara Greenwood presented a rendering of the proposed improvements, from State Street to 9th Street along Meeting Street, at the Sept. 5, Regular Council Meeting. This rendering showcased enhancements, including on-street parking, dedicated left turn lanes, planted medians, pedestrian crosswalks, and shared-use paths designed to accommodate both walkers and bikers.
The US Highway 1 Corridor portion of the project encompasses Highway 1 from Dreher Road to Wren Road and includes the following improvements:
- Stamped Crosswalks and Mast Arm Traffic Signals: Stamped crosswalks and cutting-edge mast arm traffic signals will be installed at critical intersections, including Dreher Road and Leaphart Road, Wade Street and the Westside Plaza Shopping Center, as well as at US-1 and the Wal-Mart entrance. These measures are designed to enhance pedestrian safety and streamline traffic flow.
- Concrete and Landscaped Medians: The project will incorporate concrete and landscaped medians, further beautifying the corridor while assisting in traffic management.
The SCDOT is set to initiate the bidding process for this project in early 2024. The City of West Columbia is committed to keeping residents, businesses, and stakeholders informed throughout the project’s development.
Mayor Tem Miles expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “I am so excited for these projects. This work will help to push continued revitalization through the heart of West Columbia. This will directly improve the entire Highway 1 Corridor and greatly improve the areas adjacent to it.”
Councilman Joseph Dickey said, “These improvements will enhance our on-street parking and contribute to creating a more pedestrian-friendly atmosphere in the River District.”
Councilman Mike Green emphasized, “My top priority is addressing the alarming number of accidents on the US-1 corridor, which currently holds the unfortunate distinction of having the highest accident rate and the most traffic in our city. Our commitment to safety enhancements isn’t just a promise; it’s a vital step in safeguarding the lives of our residents and commuters. By investing in these improvements, we’re sending a clear message: safety comes first on US-1, and we’re determined to make our streets safer.”
Councilman David Moye stated, “The US-1/Meeting Street corridor has diverse sections with different challenges regarding traffic flow, beautification, safety, and parking. My hope is that these tailored plans will unify this key gateway and bring revitalization into our city from the river. Many thanks to City Staff, the Beautification Foundation, SCDOT, City Council, and community members who all play a part in bringing forward this transformative step for West Columbia.”