BCHS Thespain Society participates in Spartanburg festival
BCHS International Thespian Society Participates in Spartanburg Festival
On Friday, February 19 the International Thespian Society of Brookland-Cayce High School, which

consists of 21 students who also make up the Honors Theatre 3 and 4 class, attended the South Carolina Thespian / Palmetto Dramatic Association Festival in Spartanburg.
This event was held at Dorman High School Feb. 19-21. The BCHS Troupe performed a one act play and many of the students also did individual, partner, and group scenes.
At the award ceremony on Sunday we were awarded the following: Excellent rating for our ensemble play “Romeo to Go”; Excellence in acting (“Romeo to Go”): Matthew Harter, Junior; Honorable mentions (“Romeo to Go”): Cohen Hook, Junior and Morgan Wells, Senior; Superior monologue: Iris Gadsden, Senior (This award means she is invited to the national festival in Nebraska in June); and fifth place (out of 23 entries) Original Student Written Play Contest: Timmy Phillips, Senior, BCHS Student Body President.