Barry Bolen named acting superintendent of Lexington School District 2
The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Barry Bolen as Acting Superintendent of Lexington School District Two. Mr. Bolen will begin serving in that role on Thursday.

Mr. Bolen is a familiar face in Lexington School District Two, having served as Superintendent from 2000 through 2008. He brings a wealth of knowledge about the District and we are excited to have him join us during this transition. He started in Lexington Two in 1988 as Principal of Fulmer Middle School. He also served as Principal of Brookland-Cayce High School and as Assistant Superintendent prior to becoming Superintendent of Schools.
He was most recently Chairman of the South Carolina State Board of Education where he served for four years and was Chairman in 2018.
In June, the Board will begin discussing its plan to employ a permanent Superintendent and will keep our stakeholders advised of that process.
At its meeting on May 11, 2022, the Lexington County School District Two Board of Trustees announced the resignation of Dr. Nicolas Wade, Superintendent of Schools. Dr. Wade’s resignation is effective June 30, 2022.
“I am very grateful for not just the experience Lexington Two has given me, but to be able to work alongside such talented teachers and administrators and be part of a larger commitment towards improving the entire district alongside them,” said Dr. Wade. “I am looking forward to pursuing new professional opportunities to continue my philosophy and practice of serving all students, supporting all schools, and helping all communities.”
Dr. Wade joined Lexington Two in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in the 2020-21 school year.
“We are thankful for Dr. Wade’s leadership during such difficult times with the pandemic and everything else affecting education that we find in the news,” said Ms. Christina Rucker, Board Chair. “Dr. Wade’s ability to keep the board and the public informed about matters impacting our schools during all of the changes during COVID-19 also allowed us to keep moving forward. We wish Dr. Wade every success moving forward.”