
Botanical Parkway beavers, gone without a trace

After the flood of last October ripped a hole in Botanical Parkway, the local beavers saw their chance. As county officials waded through the arduous process of obtaining permits, conducting surveys and finding funding, to fix the million-dollar gash in the West Columbia road to Riverbanks Zoo, the vibrating teeth of the Botanical Beaver Crew […]


Airport football ready to play as a 4A high school in 2016

Airport High School has a 4A classification in athletics for 2016. As a 4A team the Eagles host crosstown rival Brookland-Cayce Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Bob Mooneyhan Field. Those two teams have played each other twice in the past, but with Airport’s move to 4A, BC is still 3A, Airport and the Bearcats play […]


Brookland-Cayce defeats Lake Marion

BC beat Lake Marion 49-8 Saturday morning. The Bearcats were ahead 35-0 at halftime and scored to open the third quarter after recovering the kickoff . The game was never close. The bigger opponent seemed to be the heat during the daytime game- that was moved to 10 a.m. Saturday- after an electrical storm hit […]


Lake Marion at BC postponed, until 10 a.m Saturday, Gray at Gilbert 11 a.m.

Lake Marion at BC has been postponed, until 10 a.m Saturday. Other high school football games have been postponed due to severe weather Friday night, too. Gray Collegiate at Gilbert is postponed til 11 a.m. Saturday. At BC, in Cayce, lightening and rain drove fans to cover at about 7:30 p.m.- after the National Anthem had been […]


Costs for upgrades to Airport, Pine Ridge, Congaree-Wood presented to Lex 2 Board

The cost to enhance three Lexington 2 schools was presented at the Lexington 2 School Board meeting Thursday night. Approximately 11,000-sq-ft. will be renovated at Pine Ridge Middle School with the addition of a cafeteria. The cost for that project is just under $5.9 million, it was announced at the meeting. Construction on the project […]


Bearcats open season 7:30 p.m. Friday at home vs Lake Marion

  High school football season begins tonight. Brookland-Cayce is hosting Lake Marion at 7:30 p.m. Friday. And BC will hit the 2016 campaign head on. “They’ve got something they call the hammer,” said Brookland-Cayce Head Coach and Athletic Director Rusty Charpia. “They hammer left and they hammer right,” he said of Lake Marion Head Coach Leonard […]


Coroner identifies Leesville woman killed in vehicle crash

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the person killed in the traffic accident that occurred at approximately 6:15 p.m., Thursday, in the 800 block of Hwy 178 (Fairview Rd) and Water Tank Road in Pelion. Brenda L. Dodgens, 62, of Leesville, died on the scene from the injuries she received in the accident after […]


Traffic fatality reported near Pelion

The South Carolina Highway Patrol is reporting a fatal accident that occurred near Pelion Thursday evening. Lance Cpl. Matt Southern of the SCHP said a 2012 Tractor Trailer traveling west on US 178 close to Fairview and Water Tank roads collided with a Ford SUV travelling east. The driver in the Ford SUV was killed. […]