
Brookland-Cayce Football game at Edisto postponed until Nov. 11

The Brookland-Cayce at Edisto High School football game has been moved to Nov. 11, because Edisto students have not returned to school after Hurricane Matthew. There will be no game this Friday. It is the second week in a row that Brookland-Cayce has had its game postponed. Almost all games in the  state from last […]


Cayce accepting Hospitality Tax fund applications

The City of Cayce is now accepting applications for funding from Hospitality Tax proceeds. Nonprofit organizations planning events open to the public that will bring tourism to the City of Cayce are invited to apply. Funding is available for events and projects planned for 2017. The Hospitality Tax grant application deadline is Nov.  18. Grant awards […]


Lexington’s Wade McGuinn goes to help devastated Haiti after deadly hurricane

Some reports say that 1,000 people have died as a result of Hurricane Matthew slamming into Haiti last week. In the aftermath of the storm, diseases are spreading, and governmental aid is slow to come because so many already-bad roads were made impassable by the hurricane. Some of the people killed by the storm are […]


Airport holding Spirit Days, Parade before Friday’s Homecoming football game

The Airport High Eagles will host Aiken for its Homecoming game at Bob Mooneyhan Field on the  AHS Boston Avenue campus, Friday at 7:30 p.m. Airport’s Homecoming Parade leaves from in front of the school at 3:05 p.m. Friday. It moves toward Fulmer Middle School on Boston Avenue, into Springdale. Wednesday is Slacks versus Slackers […]


Airport High School congratulates Teacher/Staff Member-of-the-Month

Airport High School has named its Teacher and Staff Member-of-the-Month. The two recognized for the honor are Daniel Bailey and Nurse Denise Sherman.


West Columbia Aldi store is getting upgrades, to reopen mid-November

West Columbia’s Aldi grocery store at 2930 Augusta Rd.  (US 1) is closed and undergoing a renovation. The discount store will be updated and enlarged. It will carry more products, because of more floor space when it is reopened, according to a company spokeswoman. The store will be more energy efficient, too.  “The 2930 Augusta […]


Cayce’s Guignard Park to reopen Saturday with Partin versus Almond ping-pong match

The Grand Reopening of Guignard Park is at 11 a.m. Saturday. The park sits just off of Knox-Abbott Drive in Cayce. The city will hold a grand reopening ceremony. The park is reopening after undergoing multiple improvements over the past year. Cayce Mayor Elise Partin and District 1 Councilwoman Tara Almond will be playing the first […]


Next Cayce City Council meeting is Oct. 19

The City of Cayce’s regular council meeting has been rescheduled for 6 p.m. on Oct. 19.  Council meetings are at the Cayce Municipal Complex, 1800 12th Street, Cayce. City of Cayce staff have moved the dates of meetings this month because of scheduling conflicts.