
Looking for a Halloween Zombie display in West Columbia?

It’s a scary site that is fitting for Halloween. A “Zombie Outbreak.” is at  1705 Redbird Lane in West Columbia. Zombie Outbreak is more than 50 wood figures- that look like scary zombies. They are fashioned after the characters on “The Walking Dead, said Jeff Matthews. He is the artist who cut out and sketched […]


Cayce’s Riverland Park Grand Re-Opening is this Saturday

The Riverland Park Grand Re-Opening is this Saturday from 11 a.m.-to-1 p.m, in Cayce. There will be  complimentary hot dogs and chips at the event. The city posted an invitation asking residents to “come join in on the fun and enjoy.” Riverland Park is off of 12 Street Extension, in the Riverland Park Neighborhood beside […]


Nov. 4, Brookland-Cayce vs Gilbert football game time changed to 7 p.m.

The Brookland-Cayce High School varsity football game vs. Gilbert will be played at 7 p.m. instead of 7:30 pm on Friday, Nov. 4. The game will be played at the the football stadium on the campus of Brookland-Cayce High School, in Cayce.


Lexington County Sandhills Waste Collection Center – Temporary Close

The County of Lexington Department of Solid Waste announces a temporary closure of the Sandhills   Collection and Recycling Center, located at 3241 Charleston Highway, as construction at the site reaches its final stages. Improvements include the addition of capacity to process solid waste and the construction of a new entrance to the facility located […]


Cayce’s Frank Ballentine named Officer-of-the-Month

Cayce Public Safety Officer Frank Ballentine, middle, was named Officer-of-the-Month at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, Tuesday. Cayce Department of Public Safety Chief Byron Snellgrove, right, said Ballentine is a hard worker who helps in the training of younger personnel. Ballentine works as a patrolman and  a firefighter in Cayce’s combined department. […]


Sandhills Middle’s Tionah Sprinkle, Wendy Lux recognized at Chamber Breakfast

Tionah Sprinkle, second from left, of Sandhills Middle School was named Student-of-the-Month Tuesday at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce Breakfast. Wendy Lux, of Sandhills Middle, was named Teacher-of-the-Month. They are pictured with Lexington School District 4’s Human Resources and Community Relations Director Lisa Ingram, left, and Sandhills Principal Patty Carter. right.  The breakfast […]


Busbee’s Performing Arts Company presents Annie Jr., 6:30 p.m. Thursday

The Eighth-Grade Performing Arts Company (PAC) of Busbee Creative Arts Academy will present Annie Jr. at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the school. “The Performing Arts Company has worked hard to make this one of our best performances yet,” said Dr. Dixon Brooks, Busbee’s principal. Brooks said the school is offering the opportunity to purchase tickets […]


West Columbia Fall Back Festival is Nov. 4

The City of West Columbia invites you to the Fall Back Festival on the 100 Block of State Street on Friday, November 4, 2016, from 5 PM – 8 PM. The event will feature live music from Stillhouse, food from the Wurst Wagon and other local businesses. There will be live street mural paintings by […]