Art on State draws big crowd on a beautiful night – Photo Gallery

With the beautiful view of the city skyline as a backdrop, artists painted on the street at West Columbia’s Art on State, Friday.
After rain much of the day, the clouds cleared in time for a beautiful night in the 100 block of State Street.
Music filled the air as the band Seventy Six and Sunny played to hundreds, who watched the artists paint street murals. The Brookland-Cayce High School drums were also on hand. Visitor also milled about in the businesses that open were open in conjunction with the monthly Art Crawl.
Painting were: Shelby LeBlanc, Michael Krajewski, Laura Day, Michael Cassidy, Dylan Fouste, Robert Keith IV, Allan Anderson, and B.A. Hohman.

Food and drink were offered by Cafe Strudel, State Street Pub, New Brookland Tavern, and Terra.
There was parking galore provided by the City of West Columbia along with free valet service. The Soda Cap Connector made stops on State Street and Alexander Road
Participating businesses were: Frame of Mind, the art of eyewear; State Street Trading Company; The Warehouse; The Blended Bakery; and New Brookland Tavern. The businesses on State Street offered specials for the event.