Airport holding Spirit Days, Parade before Friday’s Homecoming football game
The Airport High Eagles will host Aiken for its Homecoming game at Bob Mooneyhan Field on the AHS Boston Avenue campus, Friday at 7:30 p.m.
Airport’s Homecoming Parade leaves from in front of the school at 3:05 p.m. Friday. It moves toward Fulmer Middle School on Boston Avenue, into Springdale.
Wednesday is Slacks versus Slackers Dress Up Day, said Airport High School Student Government and Early College Advisor Daniel Bailey.
“Students can dress up formally, wear slacks or dress down in hoodies or pajamas, said Baily.
Another part of Homecoming week is Favorite Team Thursday, during which students wear the jerseys or shirts representing their favorite team.
On Friday, Bailey said, is Class Spirit Day. And the school’s Homecoming Queen will be announced at halftime of the football game.