Airport High School Junior Avery McCree selected for the SC Music Educators Association All-State Orchestra
An Airport High School student has been selected to the prestigious South Carolina Music Educators Association All-State Orchestra.

, a junior, has been selected to the orchestra, a prestigious ensemble of top student musicians from across South Carolina. Organized by the South Carolina Music Educators Association, it provides high-achieving string players with the opportunity to perform challenging repertoire under the direction of renowned conductors. Students are selected through a rigorous audition process that assesses their technical skills and musicality.
McCree and other members of the All-State Orchestra will offer free performances by grade level starting at 1 p.m. Sunday, February 23, in the Boiling Springs High School auditorium in Boiling Springs.
Avery is a member of Airport High School’s Chamber Orchestra, International Thespian Society, Varsity Tennis Team, and Beta Club. She is an Honors and AP student with a GPA of 5.196. She has been playing violin for 9 years, and at Airport she is under the direction of Collin Richardson. She is currently cast in the role of Princess Anna in Lexington Two’s first ever districtwide musical Frozen Jr. this March.