Airport High School Drill Team wins more awards

The Airport High School Drill Team has done it again.
The team competed against the very best and brought home several awards. The competition was against the Air Force, Navy, Marine, and Army High School Drill Teams from across the country. It was held earlier this month in Daytona Beach, Fla.
The Airport Drill Team, under the instruction of CSM Harry S. Ferguson, also won several awards in April in competition in Louisville, Ky.
In the Florida competition, Airport placed:
1st Best Commander ( Christian Hickox) (National Champion)
2nd place Squad Exhibition w/ Arms (Runner up National Champion)
2nd Place Mixed Dual Exhibition w/ Arms (Runner up National Champion) Christian
Hickox and Breeya Knight
3rd Place Regulation Platoon w/ Arms
3rd Place Color Guard
4th Place Inspection w/ Arms
6th Place Demilitarized Dual Exhibition
9th Place Platoon Exhibition w/ Arms
And 3rd Overall