Airport High School accepting “Wall of Honor” nominations
Airport High School is accepting nominations for its Alumni Wall of Honor.
Nominations are to be submitted to Joni Coleman at Lexington School District Two, 715 Ninth Street, West Columbia, SC 29169 no later than January 31, 2016.
To request an application or submit a nomination e-mail [email protected].
Last year’s inductees were: Phil Strickland, Class of 1977; Scott Cloer, Class of 1984; Dickie Furtick, Class of 1969 and David Cook, Class of 2005.

Required information for submitting a nomination: Name of Nominee, Nominee’s Mailing Address, Phone Numbers, E-Mail address, Year of Graduation, brief description of nominee’s professional accomplishments or honors, brief description of nominee’s service to the community, other favorable criteria that qualifies the nominee for this honor, and the name and phone number of person submitting the nomination.
Nominees must be: a graduate of Airport High School and have been graduated a minimum of 15 years, must be of good character representing the high morals of their community and not have a criminal background, and have shown strong leadership in their profession by achieving at the highest levels and outstanding community service through volunteerism.