A lane of Highway SC 6 over the Lake Murray Dam remains closed for repairs to walkway
SCDOT is working with Dominion Energy and other crews to make repairs to the damaged walkway over the Lake Murray Dam. For now, a portion of the walkway is closed and will remain closed until the completion of the repair.
Beginning at 9 a.m. on Saturday (June 24) the right, southbound lane of S.C. 6 between Irmo and Lexington was closed while SCDOT crews begin the repair work.
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On Sunday SCDOT reported: “The single southbound lane closure over the Lake Murray dam between Irmo and Lexington will remain in place this week while SCDOT continues to make necessary repairs. A portion of the walkway remains closed. “
The only access to the walkway is from the Lexington side of the path.
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