West Columbia’s Kinetic Derby Day to Offer Cash Prizes for Parade and Art Car Participants
The City of West Columbia’s 2nd Annual Kinetic Derby Day, on April 27, will offer NAI Columbia cash prizes to be awarded in six different categories for a total of $2,500. Go to kineticderbyday.com/awards-1 for a breakdown of the awards.
Register now to enter a Kinetic Sculpture for the parade and/or a soapbox car at www.kineticderbyday.com. West Columbia’s Kinetic Derby Day committee is actively working with schools, artists, and businesses to engage broad community participation. To register to participate in the Kinetic Sculpture Parade, race in the soap box derby, for volunteer opportunities, and for more information go to www.kineticderbyday.com. Registration ends on April 26, 2019.
Kinetic sculptures are human-powered 3D representations bringing imagination to life using pedal power, as an individual or as a team. A team may include multiple members on a bike with themed costumes or multiple participants in costume riding or walking along with a sculpture that includes kinetic movement.
New components to the event this year include a Zero Gravity launch for derby racing and a literary character/book themed Kinetic sculpture parade. They can be as simple as someone in costume riding a bike or more elaborate structures like the Flying Pterodactyls or The River Guardian that appeared in last year’s parade.
The inaugural event, in April of 2018, drew over 40 soapbox racing and parade entries. Crowds lined Meeting and State Streets, in West Columbia, SC, to enjoy the kinetic sculpture parade, soapbox racing, browse the artisan village, and view the live art.