Motor home crash on I-20 causes lane closure, Sunday evening
The Irmo Fire Department and units from the Lexington County fire Service were on the scene of an motor home crash, Sunday, that occurred on I-20 westbound at mile marker 63 around 6:45 p.m.
According to Irmo, the collision caused about 40 gallons of diesel to spill on the ground, but the fuel did not reach the Saluda River. The driver of the RV was transported to a hospital with minor injuries.
The department reported that the portion of I-20 westbound affected would be closed for up to two hours. The SC Highway patrol said detours were put in place: from I-20 WB traffic can take I-26 EB to US 378 turn right onto US 378 and travel to I-20 to enter WB lanes. Irmo Fire photos.