Gas use last week by SCE&G customers breaks record
Recent extreme cold weather in South Carolina has driven SCE&G natural gas customers to use record amounts of natural gas, much like the record usage the company saw with electric customers. On Wednesday, Jan. 3, SCE&G customers used 345,736 dekatherms of natural gas, breaking the utility’s previous record of 331,233 dekatherms.
SCE&G employees worked in freezing temperatures, snow and ice to respond to customer calls and monitor gas infrastructure, ensuring reliable delivery of natural gas service and preventing any prolonged customer outages or losses of pressure across the system.
“Providing reliable natural gas service to customers in extremely cold weather begins with the planning, monitoring and maintaining of gas infrastructure that SCE&G employees do throughout the year, said Rusty Harris, senior vice president of gas operations for SCANA, parent company of SCE&G. “And when extreme cold weather arrives, these same dedicated employees work tirelessly to respond to service calls, ensuring customers can receive energy for heating that is so essential in severe cold weather.”
With the understanding that record energy usage creates the potential for increased energy costs, SCE&G encourages customers with concerns or questions about their energy bills to call customer service at 1-800-251-7234.