West Columbia to recognize Bogart’s at 6 p.m., Tuesday meeting
West Columbia City Council will hold its Regular Council Meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday (Sept. 6.)
at City Hall, 200 N. 12th Street, West Columbia.
The agenda includes: recognition of David Arnold for His Donation to the West Columbia Police Officers Foundation; Recognizing Bogarts Restaurant as a Landmark for Celebrations in the Triangle City Area of West Columbia Since 2002; and a presentation by Anna Huffman, Director of Information Technology/PIO, Re: Employee Wellness Fair.
Second Reading Consideration of an Ordinance to Annex all those Certain Pieces, Tracts, Parcels, or Lots of Land, with any Improvements Thereon, Situate, Lying and Being in the County of Lexington, the State of South Carolina, and Includes Areas from Leaphart Road at Augusta Road Westward Toward Wattling Road at Augusta Road, and for this Petition is Generally Known as the Highway One Corridor Annexation Area (16ANX-12)
Second Reading Consideration of an Ordinance to Annex .16 Acre of Property (TMS # 004617-04-044) Known as 343 Gaffney Street (16ANX-13)
Second Reading Consideration of an Ordinance to Annex 3.64 Acres of Property (TMS # 004599-10-036) Known as 100 Corporate Blvd (16ANX-14)
130 State Street_Historic Property Designation_2016Consideration to Designate 130 State Street as an Historic Property Pursuant to Section 1-5-7, “Special Property Tax Assessments for Rehabilitated Historic Properties.”
RESOLUTION_MASC Hometown Economic Development Grant_ 2016 Consideration of a Resolution Committing the City of West Columbia to Provide a Legal Match for a Municipal Association of South Carolina (MASC) Grant.
Budget Amendments FY2016_2017 – September Meeting Consideration to Approve Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2016-2017.
Discussion of Legal and Contractual Matters Related to Joint Municipal Water and Sewer Commission and the Town of Lexington (Pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 30-4-70 (A) (2) – Belton Zeigler, Esquire.
Discussion of the Sale and Purchase of Property within Areas of West Columbia (Pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 30-4-70 (A) (2).
Upon Returning to Open Session, Council May Take Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session.