
Beavers complete construction project on Botanical Parkway

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Beaver dam on Botanical Parkway.

The October floods left a big gash in Botanical Parkway. At more than a million dollars, the West Columbia road is the most-costly repair in Lexington County. After a portion of the road washed away, a construction project began by the agents of nature.

In January, the project by the beavers was coming along nicely. Click here to see original story 

Those beavers have now completed their dam. Because of the requirements of the Federal Emergency2 beav Management Agency, it may be the fall before Botanical Parkway is fixed. It’s a county road, and that is when the repair is scheduled for completion. Until then, visitors to the Botanical Gardens at Riverbanks Zoo are being detoured.  And the beavers probably like the peace and quiet, while it lasts.

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The roadway at Botanical Parkway.



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