
Charles Warren, 10, honored at Lexington 2 Board meeting

Sen. Nikki Setzler and Rep. Kenny Bingham with fifth-grader Charles Warren.
Lexington 2 Sponsor.

State Sen. Nikki Setzler and Rep. Kenny Bingham were on hand at the Lexington School District 2 Board meeting, Thursday, to formally commend Charles Warren. Warren, a fifth-grader at Saluda River Academy for the Arts help save the life of an 87-year-old woman two weeks ago. Setzler read a resolution to honor  warren and Bingham read a letter of recognition of Warren from Gov. Nikki Haley.

Link: Original story on westmetronews.net

Amy Victoria Warren, Charles Anthony Franklin Warren, Amy Victoria Elizabeth Mya Warren (sister) and John Charles Montes Warren. The parents and sister of Charles Warren.



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