Coroner issues list of unclaimed property of deceased
Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher is searching for families of deceased persons who have personal effects/property at the Coroner’s Office that has not been claimed/returned.
In a letter from Fisher she says: The return of personal items of a deceased person can be very poignant and upsetting for families, but their return can also preserve memories and hold strong emotional meanings; therefore, personal effects hold huge emotional value to a loved one left behind.”
Fisher also says: “we wish to locate family members who lost a loved one and, for unknown reasons, the personal effects/property was not returned to them promptly. I am providing a list of deceased persons, to include their name, date of birth, and date of death, for whom the Lexington County Coroner’s Office has personal effects/property that needs to be returned to their family/loved ones. ”
If you are the legal next-of-kin for the deceased person or have any information that may help the coroner’s office locate the next-of-kin, please call or visit the office between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Property may not be picked up during any other time due to the schedule of the Evidence Custodian.
The Lexington County Coroner’s office is at 117 Duffie Dr. Lexington. Office phone Number is: 803-359-8439
Deceased Name: Date of Birth: Date of Death:
Christopher Caughman 09/03/1967 12/04/2007
Jacob Watson Bolton 09/10/1983 09/06/2009
Paula D. Justice 01/04/1970 04/11/2013
Teresa B. Garner 12/22/1962 05/04/2012
Raymond L. Cortes 12/11/1942 02/22/2009
Elizabeth Deyoe 12/14/1964 10/07/2014
Michael J. Leclaire 04/11/1959 07/18/2011
Melissa Rice 05/02/1986 11/24/2009
William Gregory 10/21/1951 03/03/2011
James F. Kinney 01/24/1957 02/24/2009
Kenny S. Yi 03/31/1992 03/15/2013
Marrissa Haynes 08/26/1979 04/04/2010
Michael Kinard 01/01/1954 11/04/2014
Emery A. Estep 08/08/1950 11/21/2009
Marie S. Curry 08/21/1957 01/09/2010
Carolyn Jamison 06/29/1932 12/04/2010
Gary E. Hollingsworth 06/13/1950 11/21/2009
Orlin Padilla 03/03/1987 06/29/2014
Kevin Wright 10/20/1975 08/09/2014
Trisha Upshaw 11/09/1971 05/12/2011
Crisoforo Martinez 04/25/1974 08/05/2007
James E. Corder 12/09/1946 03/20/2010
David C. Lawhorn 11/07/1946 02/14/2013
Theodore C. Linder 09/11/1947 06/19/2014