City of Cayce Council meeting is Tuesday
City of Cayce Regular Council Meeting
Tuesday, August 4, 2015 6 p.m. – Council Chambers
1800 12″ Street
Call to Order
A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
B, Approval of Minutes
July 7, 2015 Regular Meeting July 15, 2015 Council Strategic Planning Session
A. Presentation by Ms. Stephanie Schroeder re Flood Insurance Rates
Public Comment regarding Items on the Agenda
A. Consideration and Approval of Resolution Approving Intergovernmental
Mutual Aid Agreement for the Three Rivers Greenway
Α. Discussion and Approval of the City of Cayce’s Unsafe Structure Program
City Manager’s Report
Committee Matters
A. Approval to enter the following approved Committee Minutes into the
City’s Official Record Beautification Board – June 9, 2015
Β. Appointments and Reappointments
Beautification Foundation – One (1) Position
Council Comments
IX. Executive Session
A. Receipt of legal advice relating to claims and potential claims by the City and
other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege
B. Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements with
SCDOT for mast arms on Knox Abbott Drive
C. Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements
for the use of TIF Funds related to Phase I of Knox Abbott Drive Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Calming Project
D. Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements
for City Hall repairs
E. Discussion of negotiations incident to a contractual arrangements for repairs
in Riverwalk Phase ||
F. Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements
for funding for Utility projects
X. Possible Actions by Council in follow up to Executive Session
XI. Adjourn