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Steve Cohen, a volunteer extraordinaire, giving more than 25 years of service to his community

You may see Steve Cohen cooking chicken at the Rhythm on the River Concert Series. Or you may see him holding back the line at the Cayce-West Columbia Parade of Lights. Steve Cohen does it all as a volunteer, and his footprint is a large one in the West Columbia and Cayce community. From Taste on the River to Tribute to Trees, he’s been there. He comes early and leaves late, working hard in between.

Kara and Steve

“Steve Cohen is a most frequent volunteer for the events the City of West Columbia sponsors,” said Kelli Ricard, Events Manager and Publication Specialist for the City of West Columbia. “From Kinetic Derby Day to the Meeting Street Music Fest, you can count on Steve to be there and ready to help.”

“Steve also supports the West Columbia Police Department, cooking for them, and he is at other city activities, including the citywide clean-up and West Columbia Beautification Foundation events. He is a great example of service to his community.” 

In August, Cohen received the Volunteer of the Year Award from the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce. After serving the maximum term, Cohen left the Board, but he promised to remain involved, and that he did- spending even more time at the Chamber, said  Tim James, Chamber President and CEO. 

Kinetic Derby Day

“Steve makes sure we have food for Chamber events. He pulls the grill to the location and cooks and serves,” said James. “Steve is also the “on-call” maintenance man for the Chamber, and he has served as a lead in the annual Christmas Parade. Most significantly, for 20 years straight, he has given of his time each Spring and Fall to organize the Rhythm on the River Concert Series. Steve loves his community. He serves others without an expectation of something in return.” 

Cohen, who started volunteering at public events 26 years ago, said he gets more from his volunteer work than he gives. 

“Volunteering is an opportunity to do things you wouldn’t normally do and is usually for an event or circumstance where people are there to enjoy themselves in a very positive environment,” Cohen said.

Smart Cat

“Volunteering helps you be a part of people enjoying the event. Because of that, I get more out of it than I give. It gives me a really good feeling when I see a child smiling, or laughing with parents, at an event. And volunteering gives you a sense of purpose. It makes me feel like I make a difference and I feel like the things I do as a volunteer are appreciated.”

Cohen also said he loves every event, but he is partial to one endeavor.

“One of my longest and proudest volunteering efforts is the role of that guy in the suit for South Carolina ETVs Smart Cat,” Cohen said. “I travel the state doing live appearances and meet-and-greets for community events to promote healthy eating, exercise and reading. And I am the guy in the videos on TV and online. When the kids come running out to hug me and tell me they watch me on TV, it’s just such a rewarding feeling.” 

Cohen said he wants to set an example. “I really hope I can encourage others to volunteer,” he said, “because it’s so fulfilling. He also said he is fortunate to have the support of his wife, Kara. He said she has always reinforced his willingness to help others.

A list of some of Steve Cohen’s Volunteer events over the past 26 years:

  • Man in the ETV Smart Cat suit
  • Food vendor at the South Carolina State Fair
  • Cayce- West Columbia Chamber of commerce Parade of Lights
  • C-WC Chamber golf tournament
  • C-WC Chamber – West Columbia Rhythm on the River
  • West Columbia’s Kinetic Derby Day committee
  • West Columbia’s Taste on the River
  • West Columbia’s Meeting Street Music Festival committee
  • West Columbia’s Tribute to Trees
  • Grass cutting for seniors and disabled vets with Capt. Mark Jones of the WCPD 
  • West Columbia Beautification Foundation Board Member
  • The Palmetto Place Children’s Home with fundraising events, donating/cooking food
  • Jaycees House of Horrors Halloween Fundraiser

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