Airport and Brookland-Cayce seniors visit their elementary and middle schools, in cap and gown, as part of annual pre-graduation tradition
May 21, 2024||Comments Off on Airport and Brookland-Cayce seniors visit their elementary and middle schools, in cap and gown, as part of annual pre-graduation tradition|NEWS, Social Media
As Lexington Two’s members of the Class of 2024 prepare for graduation ceremonies this week, they are wrapping up their school year by enjoying a favorite annual tradition – returning to their elementary and middle schools, in cap and gown, to walk the halls a final time.
Airport High School held its Senior Walks late last week and Monday of this week, while Brookland-Cayce High School visited its feeder schools Tuesday. The younger students fill the school halls and cheer as the soon-to-be-graduates pass.
Roughly 520 students will graduate from Lexington Two high schools this year, with Brookland-Cayce’s commencement set for Wednesday, May 22, and Airport’s on Thursday, May 23.
- Members of Airport High School’s graduating class who attended Springdale Elementary pose in the hallway after the annual Senior Walk last week.
- Members of Brookland-Cayce High School’s Class of 2024 visit Riverbank Elementary Tuesday, one of several elementary and middle school stops as part of the annual Senior Walk.