Cayce-West Columbia Lions Club takes elementary school students on a shopping spree
There were a lot of smiles flashing by a lot of children, and some adults.
The Cayce-West Columbia Lions Club took students from Riverbank Elementary School to Hardee’s and then shopping at Walmart last Saturday.
“The Riverbank faculty and staff helped and everyone had a great time,” said Charlene Frye of the C-WC Lions. “The event is a blessing to all.”
An officer from the Lexington County Sheriffs Department were on hand, too.
The C-WC Lions has organized the annual trip to the West Columbia Walmart for more than 10 years.
Each student got money to spend on clothes, and they get a little more to buy themselves something. The kids also got to eat at Hardees. The students need clothes to wear to school.
Frye said the shopping trip was the late Lion Bill Mooneyhan’s favorite service project.