6 new COVID-19 cases in Lexington County

New positive cases of the coronavirus include 6 in Lexington County and 9 in Richland County. There are no new reported cases in Aiken, Calhoun or Saluda counties at this time.
By county there are now 29 positive cases in Richland, 12 in Lexington, and 1 each in Aiken, Calhoun and Saluda.
Those are numbers published by Sen. Nikki Setzler, Sunday, who is monitoring the pandemic, and the affects on his district.
DHEC is investigating 68 additional cases of coronavirus in South Carolina. This brings the total number statewide to 195 cases in 33 counties.
“We can all take steps every day to help limit the spread of this virus,” said Dr. Michael Kacka, DHEC physician and medical consultant. “As the number of positive cases throughout the state is expected to increase, we’re continuing to focus our efforts on preventing spread of the disease with special attention to those who are most high-risk for contracting the virus.”
DHEC’s COVID-19 webpage is updated daily with a map of positive cases as well as the most current recommendations for protecting against COVID-19: https://www.scdhec.gov/infectious-diseases/viruses/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19