2nd Annual Taylor Watford 5K is a big success – Fundraiser to fight drug overdoses
Close to 200 runners registered for the Second Annual Taylor Watford Foundation 5K run/walk. The run was held Saturday. It started behind Brookland-Cayce High School and the course ran through the Cayce Avenues.
“It was a very good day,” said Jade Watford of the Taylor Watford Foundation Board. There were 80 more entries in the second year of the 5K than there were in the first year. Jade is the sister of Taylor Watford, the Brookland-Cayce High School graduate and athlete who lost his life after accidently overdosing on a substance that contained fentanyl two days after Christmas in 2018.
Some of the participants in Saturday’s 5K touched the Watford Family and those those who knew and loved Taylor Watford. Those runners came to run because they were friends with Taylor Watford and they wanted to honor his memory and try to help fight overdose deaths.
There is an epidemic of drug overdose deaths in Lexington County, and everywhere else. With the prevalence of deadly drugs on the street, that contain fentanyl, there are more drug overdoses. The Taylor Watford Foundation is in an effort to help those at risk to stop using drugs.