2 women killed in domestic violence incident in Red Bank, coroner identifies the victims
January 30, 2023||Comments Off on 2 women killed in domestic violence incident in Red Bank, coroner identifies the victims|NEWS, Social Media
Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has released the identity of the individuals who
died during a domestic-related incident in the 2000 block of Bliss Lane in Lexington at
approximately 12:30 PM in Lexington County.
According to Fisher, Mr. William Peter Busick, 55, of Lexington shot his wife, 48-
year-old, Chastity Lynne Busick, and his step-daughter, 23-year-old, Jasmine Alyse Bailey.
Both Mrs. Busick and Ms. Bailey were pronounced dead at the scene due to multiple
gunshot wounds. Mr. Busick sustained a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head and was
pronounced dead at an area hospital.
The Lexington County Coroner’s Office and the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department
continue to investigate the incident.