2 State House rallies Friday to reopen SC’s economy

Two rallies are scheduled at the State House Friday.
The people are advocating the reopening South Carolina’s economy.
The first rally begins at 10 a.m.
They are asking Gov. Henry McMaster to “eopen and rescue the economy because of the threat to so many small businesses.
At noon, “Drive to Thrive” is conducting a mobile protest the closing of businesses that have been deemed “non-essential”
The advocates for the business community want to fill the streets with 50,000 vehicles.
Demonstrators are encouraged to stay inside their cars, and show an audible display of solidarity by sounding their car horns for a 60 seconds, at 12:30 p.m.
Drive to Thrive is set to meet at the University of South Carolina Horseshoe, lining up to drive to the State House.
Drive to Thrive is also asking South Carolinians to support local restaurants and order a carry-out meal,on the way home.